We chose an outfitter who provided horses to access the terrain. My mount for the week was another clever bay named Tornado, and John was on steadfast Copper.
The riding was more difficult than I'd ever asked my horses to deal with, and the climbing was more difficult than I'd ever asked of myself! With my ambitious husband by my side and our intrepid guide out front, we topped 7500 feet one afternoon. My ankles complained about the angles, my lungs bellowed against my ribs for more space, and my heart fluttered. "Where else are we going to do this? You can't do this at home!" John exclaimed. A few minutes rest to re-oxygenate, and up we went further. After a few days, I had Mountain Legs and craved more.
A day of rest at home, then I went off again to the Adirondacks with some old and new friends to trail-ride for the weekend, and I tried my new Mountain Riding skills with Ehren. He was perfect: game and happy to go for an International Horse Party.
So are you.