Deidre & Ali both posted personal best scores in front of a Senior Judge to win Champion and Reserve Champion at Silver First Level. Congratulations!
This was also Katrina's return to the show ring after a long hiatus. She showed off her Elsa Maria, an 8 year old Clydesdale/Thoroughbred cross mare that we have trained together. Katrina picked Elsa up as a yearling to be a calm and comfortable dressage ride, and when she turned 5 in 2019, I started her under saddle. Katrina is one of the hardest working riders I know, coming out at least 5 days a week when Elsa is in full training. Slowly but surely their comfort zone together expanded and the possibility of showing again seemed like a good goal to aim for. We went to Westar before the show to stroll around the grounds and acclimate Elsa. Supe came along for the experience and was foot-perfect for me to ride. On show day, dear Elsa tried some freestyle dance moves in her first class but settled down and improved every time. Katrina rode 3 tests to 2nd, 2nd and 5th place finishes. Quite an achievement, and we're already talking about 2023. Congratulations!