I watched the mare's soft eye in the cross ties, her calm nature despite being in a busy lesson barn during feeding time. She puttered under saddle and when I climbed on and flopped around with loose reins, she tuned out and moseyed along the rail. I encouraged my friend to ride out in the field for a trot around, and she was all smiles coming back. We watched the horse load herself into the farm owner's trailer, and enjoy a cool shower from the hose. We went for lunch and role-played on how to best seal the deal. The basic suitability was there, and my friend is bringing her home while making all kinds of fall riding plans.
Tomorrow I take Ehren to the fox hunt for the first time. While I'm a dressage queen who loves a ribbon, I accept that he's just not suitable for that. He's such a nice guy that I am very willing to find out what he's really good at, and explore it with him. I'll let you know how it goes.