- Join Ottawa Area Dressage Group - Done!
- Join Dressage Canada (again) - Easy!
- Attend Judge's Clinic June 7-8 - Made it!
- Take Ludi off the property - Four times so far!
- Clinic with DiMaggio - We had an inspiring weekend with coach Ron King right here in Chalk River in early September
- Update Silver Tree Stables website with new pictures - How do you like it?
As I look at my little sticky-note list now, I remember being moved to make it on some cold and quiet afternoon in my office job. Just a few months ago I remember worrying that my goals for Ludi & DiMaggio might not happen this year. Riding was not my focus, networking and becoming a better judge was. I could never have foreseen how supportive the equestrian community would be in helping to fold me into this new space, or how circular the season would be for me, bringing me back to places I knew well.
In September I went back to judge twice to Terelisa Farm, where I rode from about age 14-22. My time with Tess and her family is when I learned how to ride out of the ring, to enjoy trails, terrain, speed and competition. It's where I put a horse on the bit and rode a dressage test for the first time. It's where I found my first horse, Andy. I was just a typical kid who knew nothing about what it really takes to make a facility and run a program. I'm so grateful that the Dunklins just let me hang around and ride.
Beyond the surreal experience of returning to places where I spent a lot of time as a 'kid', I've met many new and lovely people who are just as into this whole thing as I am. I've sat with judges whose concentration during a long hot day of introductory dressage is nothing short of superhuman. I've blasted some trails laughing out loud with folks who think it's just as much fun as I do. Just chatting while the horses go around is a pretty happy place for me. To say 'Networking was my goal' strikes me as a wonky way of saying that I just wanted to meet like-minded people and it felt great to see some familiar faces again.