Today it's cool and there's promise of a good rain soon to quench the parched land. We've lined up our hay supply for the year, and welcomed a new boarder's young horse.
I read Viktor Frankl's 'Man's Search For Meaning', Susan David's 'Emotional Agility', and finished Eckhart Tolle's 'The Power of Now'. I'm still mulling over the messages from these very good books, and trying my best to apply them every day.
In the barn, at work, and in life, I see so many people not interested in taking advice, let alone seeking it out to help themselves. So many factors pull us in every direction every day. It's a real effort for me to stay on my path, and I wonder how other people do it for themselves. I've read some disappointing stories about my own equestrian heroes, and wonder if we can all accept that good advice can come from someone who's done bad things, and also how to recognize bad advice when it comes from someone who's trying to be good. For me, the 'common themes' idea holds pretty well. If I've heard an idea somewhere before, if I've seen it applied in positive ways, and I can see how it could work for me and my own values, then it's probably good advice worth taking.