In two days she took us through all our moves and right up to the edge of our current capabilities. Ludi's main weakness is in his ability to balance himself in canter, particularly counter canter, in preparation to teach him flying lead changes some day. There was no need to discuss much theory, which isn't Gina's teaching style anyway. I do my homework so that Gina can teach in the moment, and that suits me. We used a wireless system so she speaks right into my ear. Cantering down the long side of the track might sound like this:
"Balance in the corner and come straight down the long side. Outside shoulder down, waist to the left, support him with your outside leg. Good. Put your leg more in front of you, good. So, make him come to the bridle, into the contact! Not too much curb. Yes, good. Now balance for the next corner, half halt."
The time it took for you to read that is probably longer than it took me to ride the 180' length of the ring. There is no time to think, just do! Better yet, BE that correct rider in the first place!