My latest xray was delayed till the end of March, and I'd already signed up to ride Super Dandy in the spring jumping clinics with Hyde Moffatt and Jen Hamilton. The image was disappointing; healing well but still a jumble of bones under the plate. Supe was feeling completely normal underneath me: happy to express himself through movement and a little unsure in new situations, but my well of confidence was running low.
I saw a message a few weeks ago that Moira De Ste. Croix was back from Florida (galloping racehorses!) and was available to take a young horse on for the season. I remembered first seeing her present a young horse at the Westar Development Show last summer, where I was judging, and I was charmed by the simplicity of her skilled presentation. Her performance actually inspired me to get Supe to his first show last July! We trailered to Moira at Stevens Creek Farm in Ottawa for a few sessions, and it was easy to hand over the reins and watch the embodiment of what I've been trying to create: a competent rider on a fine sport horse in calm unison. No matter that it can't be me up there, right now. Supe needs to get strong and fit by going forward and build resiliency by being exposed to new things. It will make him fun and safe for years and years. Moira was happy to take over the ride at the clinics and I remain very happy with my decision. Supe will stay at Stevens Creek for a few months and I'll go for lessons. Maybe for next year's clinics I'll be back in the tack, and that sounds like a plan.